Saturday, August 25, 2007

From the logbook...videos

A while back I talked of putting some video on the blog. Lately I have had enough free time (and the special cord brought by Vicki) to get some stuff edited. Now, the video below if VERY "homemade." It was shot back in April. I attached our video camera with a bungee cord to the "V" brace in our front windshield. For those of you who care, all footage below is in Alas 14. The footage includes a takeoff and landing from 3 different Waorani villages. It is about 4 minutes long. Let me know if there are any viewing problems (I am new to this) and what you think...I have about 2-3 more videos in the works from other parts of the jungle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Music!! All of the videos on this blog are set to really great music! Keep 'em coming.