Sunday, September 05, 2010

Neighborhood Tidbits

Buffalo Snake

This weekend Brooklyn has had a friend at the house so we went for a walk for ice cream this afternoon.  As we walked to the store, we came across a man that has a pet Buffalo Snake.  At least that is what he called it.  We had a good time letting him crawl around and the girls had a blast holding him.

Snake Charmers

Of course, we were causing a lot of commotion which drew in a crowd from the neighborhood.  Even some of the local children were not comfortable with this snake.  He was very benign however, and didn't seem to mind receiving so much attention.

Snake Charmers

Brooklyn had a fun time holding this snake.  She kept remembering the time we found a snake in Colorado and showed it to her grandma inside of her house.  It's always fun to hear grandma scream like that!

Snake Charmers

Even though Brooklyn loves animals, this snake did get a little too curious for her taste.  But, she handled his curiosity well and gently put him on the ground to slither away.

Finally, we made our way to the toko (store) and bought some ice cream cones.  Right now in our busy and crazy life, it is the little things like ice cream cones and memories with exotic animals that are fun to experience...the little moments of life.  I LOVE the little moments of life...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! Sean, I don't know which Grandma you are referring to, but I can imagine how my sister and I would have reacted!!! You are ornery! I can't believe that Brooklyn enjoyed that experience!!! Yuk!

Love ya & miss you guys!
Aunt Anita

Chad and Andi Irwin said...

YUCK! She's way braver than us Irwins. We were just outside eating on our picnic table and heard your old truck rumble by.....we had a moment of silence.

Sean Cannon said...

Ah the old Jungle Jeep! At least you didn't sing a dirge also. blessings guys...

Freddyair said...

She has more courage than I.

Freddy P. da Silva
Brazilian air traffic controller
Student Pilot