Wednesday, May 11, 2011

From the Logbook...Dog...It's What's for Lunch

That's right.  I succumbed to the peer pressure.  I. Ate. Dog. Meat.  No, it didn't taste like chicken.  In fact, if I didn't know it was Man's Best Friend I probably would have eaten more.  It was actually pretty good; or at least all the spices were tasty.  But take heart, I don't plan on eating Fido anymore.  In certain parts of Indonesia, dog meat is a common source of protein, and it is regularly eaten.

On a much lighter note, flight training seems to be progressing well.  I continue to have a blast learning the new challenges associated with float flying on top of knocking off rust that has crept in from several months of not committing aviation.  At the community pictured above a group of kids gathered to see all the action and as always they were entertaining and amused. 


carrie said...

Wait till I tell Sunny...and she tells DUKE.

Bridget Kreutzer said...

I am APPALLED! As Mads would say, No thank you, walk away....