Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From the Logbook...A Time to Die

People always ask me what we fly in our airplanes.  Yesterday, I found myself flying two different men and their families back to their home villages so that the men could be home to die.  Both were old and modern medicine had done all that is could on their limited incomes.  It was time to accept the inevitable.    

On any given day as a missionary pilot, you can see lots of grief, tears, heartache and sadness.  These two flights were full of those.  But, despite the sadness in the cockpit yesterday, I am grateful to be able to help these families face a tough situation from the comfort of their homes.


Loren and Alaina Holland said...

Praying for you guys, even in the hard days!

Sean Cannon said...

Thanks guys...it's what makes the difference!!!