Friday, December 16, 2011

From the Logbook...Joloi Pt. 1

Last week I returned to the village of Joloi to transport a team of pastors further downstream.  Due to the Christmas season, they have been on a "tour" of sorts helping with many of the interior churches and their Christmas church services.

It didn't take long until a group of kids gathered to watch all of the happenings at the dock I was tied up to.  I had to abort my first landing attempt into Joloi because I noticed a bunch of little heads bobbing in the water right where I was going to touch down.  It turned out to be this group of kids enjoying a mid-day swim.  I'm glad I saw their heads at the last moment.  Sometimes due to the light on the water of the river, objects are hard to see, whether it is logs, people, or something else.

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