Sunday, October 28, 2012

From the Logbook...Sunk by Children

This was the scene a while back when I finally found a suitable dock in the village of Dadahup.  Because the airplane hasn't been in this village for YEARS, many people dropped what they were doing and came to see what all of the noise was about.  When I opened the airplane door I was greeted by ONE adult and many children.

I didn't grasp how many children were actually coming to see the airplane until I climbed on top of the wing to take a picture.  WOW!  There were more than 60 kids, and they began pouring onto the little dock my airplane was tied up to.  So many kids showed up on the dock that it sunk about 1 foot under the water.  Needless to say, I got wet feet that day, and the relentless supply of curious kids never stopped.  It continues to amaze me how many different types of experiences I can have in this job.

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