Monday, February 16, 2015

From the Logbook...Boat Traffic

In our float plane operations, we share our "runway" with all type of different water going vessels.  It sure keeps things interesting.  On some of the larger rivers we operate out of, during high water season, it's common to see these tug boats pulling a barge full of hundreds of logs heading for a furniture store near you.  I can't say whether or not this lumber of from the legal or illegal lumber trade, but I can say that the amount of lumber being floated down the river is unbelievable.  The picture above was taken in a misty type of rain, leaving the river almost perfectly flat and the sky grey.

Regardless of the size of the river, there are always the little "klotoks" seen above.  Most of them have customized paint jobs and are operated by a lawnmower type engine.  It's not common to see them all lined up like they are in the photo above because usually the river current  has them lined up end to end...not side to side.  Life is sure colorful in Indonesia, on many levels.

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