Saturday, February 14, 2015

From the Logbook...Tumbang Olong

One of my roles at our MAF location is that of Instructor Pilot.  This makes me responsible for initial checkout for new pilots as well as performing their recurring 6 month checks.  It's always fun to go to all of the places I normally do while performing one of these checks, but with a different perspective...that of Evaluator.  On days like that, I'm able to wonder around a little bit more and watch from the "outside looking in."

For those of you who have ever flown with or met Isaac, the picture above describes him well.  Always ready to laugh and brighten the mood in any room.  He is a testimony to what the life changing power of Jesus can do in us and he readily demonstrates that to those around him.  We always have a lot of laughs in the cockpit flying together.  It probably makes the passengers wonder what the crazy "bules"  (Westerners) are talking about.

Most of the time, the village kids enjoy having their picture taken, especially when you show it to them afterward.  It's a childhood RADICALLY different than mine was.  I like how this little guy has his gun with him.  There is something in the DNA of boys all around the globe that has them liking similar things; guns, trucks, airplanes, motor noises, etc.  It's so fun to watch and interact with them.

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