Sunday, November 21, 2010

Everyday Joe

I'm about out of pictures from my downtown shopping trip with Becca last week.  It has been nice to have some free time during this break to get some pictures taken.  We start school again tomorrow and I don't know what our schedules will be like.  Below are a few pictures of everyday Joe's doing what they do as seen from downtown Salatiga.

I thought this older man was sleeping, but he just has really droopy eyelids.  There are countless older men hanging out downtown, most of which love to talk.  That would be great, but many of them don't even speak Indonesian, they speak Javanese!

Mr. Parkir...aka, "scooter watcher man."  These guys are as numerous as the old men downtown and actually do a great job making sure your transportation isn't tampered with while you complete your errands on foot.  Regardless of how long they watch your scooter or car along with the countless others next to it, you only pay him 5 cents when you leave.  Pretty cheap insurance!

Salatiga seems to take a proactive approach to keeping things clean downtown.  It still has it's third world challenges, but with a "fleet" of trash men tidying up, it helps move the city in the right direction.  

1 comment:

Dave said...

I've enjoyed the tour through pics of downtown Salatiga. Nice job! Have fun going back to school again tomorrow!