Saturday, October 13, 2012

From the Logbook...Naan Training (pt.1 of 4)

After Isaac completed his first solo flight, we still needed to work at some of our more challenging places together.  We revisited the village of Naan right on the equator and practiced takeoffs and landings.  After he proved to me that he was ready to handle the takeoff and landing challenges by himself, I had him drop me off at the dock and turned him loose to practice a few more without me while I took pictures and video.  Above Issac has just landed and is coming around the "S" turn in Naan.  Float plane flying is awesome!

Negotiating the "S" turn with the right amount of engine power and rudder control takes some practice and finesse.

Check out the water trails coming off of the floats as Isaac goes airborne!  Sweet!  Driving the float-plane through the "S" turn takes a lot of concentration to be done correctly.  If you do it wrong, you loose too much energy for a successful takeoff and you have to abort around the second turn and return to the bottom of the river for a second takeoff attempt.

Naan is far away from my home in PalangkaRaya and it still has a lot of unspoiled bio-diversity.  While standing in one place taking pictures of Isaac's takeoffs and landings, God's creation was all around me, buzzing, humming, singing,and flying.  This dragonfly one just one of the things nearby that I saw.

After several reps by himself, Isaac and I were going to head to the village of Naan in boats to eat lunch with they guys we serve there.  Stay tuned for more pictures of that...


Irvan said...

whoa! love this post so much!

do you have the landing video? if yes, please post it, will you?

Sean, i've been playing flight simulator for years. and in flight sim, if i fly float plane, during take off roll, if i'm using rudder to make the plane turn, instead of turning properly, the plane will skidding and overturned. is it real plane will happen the same thing?

Sean Cannon said...

Thanks Irvan...I have lots of video. Hopefully in the future I can put it all together for something really cool! I'll be sure to let everyone know when that happens.

Once the air rudder gets enough authority from the prop and airspeed, it turns me left and right just fine, within about 3 seconds from putting in full power. It sound like the MS Flight Sim is a little inaccurate.